National Consumer Protection Week 2020
It’s National Consumer Protection Week, and attorneys general are joining consumer protection colleagues from around the country to share vital information to protect consumers. Visit the pages on to learn about how to protect yourself from being scammed, how to be a smart consumer when making purchasing and other decisions, and how to file a consumer complaint with your attorney general.
Attorneys general are the leading consumer protection authorities in their states and territories, helping consumers by enforcing state and federal consumer protection laws and sharing tips on how to avoid being scammed and be a smart consumer.
As part of National Consumer Protection Week, many attorneys general are releasing the list of top complaints they received in 2019. Some complaint types that can be found on many of the lists have to do with robocalls, bogus telemarketing, lottery scams, phishing scams, motor vehicle issues, and credit issues. Click here to see the top complaints and scams for 2019 according to many attorneys general. This page also includes complaint information from the Federal Trade Commission.
How do I find my Attorney General?
To find out who your attorney general is, or to file a consumer complaint, click on your state, district, or territory here.
What do Attorneys General do?
As chief legal officers of the states, commonwealths, and territories of the United States, the attorneys general serve as counselors to state government agencies and legislatures, and as representatives of the public interest in many areas including consumer protection. To learn more about what attorneys general do and about the National Association of Attorneys General, click here.